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Our meditation teachers are the seeds that spread the virtues of meditation. We therefore carefully select the right people to teach Gururaj’s meditation techniques. All our teachers present the human values that are aligned to IFSU, and undergo a rigorous training programme. Our teachers are happy to meet you where you are, to teach any kind of group. We work with classes in schools and clubs, company executives and communities.
I have been a meditation teacher since 1987 and recommend the practices for their simplicity and depth. When I started, I felt like a boat without direction and purpose. My wish was to have my own family and make this my haven for love, joy and security. My wish came true!
Meditation helps you centre yourself and find strength, purpose and solutions to any obstacle in life. Instead of being a burden to others, you become an inspiration. It opens your heart, so that you may enjoy and experience the wonder of life everywhere. I feel blessed and grateful to the wonderful international community.
Do you have what it takes to help others achieve spiritual unfoldment? Do you feel there is a place at IFSU where you could help spread the importance of meditation? Get in touch with us and let us know what makes you a great meditation teacher!