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Dernière mise à jour 17/06/2024
Temps d'achèvement 4 jours 3 heures 13 minutes
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The Nature of Freedom [Part 1]
The Nature of Freedom [Part 1]

Join us in a profound exploration of spirituality and self-awareness in our latest video. Dive deep into the journey of personal transformation through meditation, as shared by a charismatic speaker who blends humor with wisdom. Discover the impact of spiritual practices on personal stability and joy, and how these changes can positively affect our surroundings. Gururaj Ananda Yogi also demystifies common misconceptions about meditation and spiritual teachings, providing a clear path to genuine self-realization and inner peace. This video is Part 1 of a series of 2 videos. This video was recorded in the USA in 1982. Satsang: US 82-50-1 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #spiritualteachings _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Patreon: Donations UK: Donations EU:

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The Nature of Freedom [Part 1]
The Nature of Freedom [Part 1]

Join us in a profound exploration of spirituality and self-awareness in our latest video. Dive deep into the journey of personal transformation through meditation, as shared by a charismatic speaker who blends humor with wisdom. Discover the impact of spiritual practices on personal stability and joy, and how these changes can positively affect our surroundings. Gururaj Ananda Yogi also demystifies common misconceptions about meditation and spiritual teachings, providing a clear path to genuine self-realization and inner peace. This video is Part 1 of a series of 2 videos. This video was recorded in the USA in 1982. Satsang: US 82-50-1 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #spiritualteachings _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Patreon: Donations UK: Donations EU:

The Intrinsic Unity Between Man and God
The Intrinsic Unity Between Man and God

Explore the profound spiritual teachings about the intrinsic unity between man and God in this enlightening video. The speaker delves into the concept that separation from God is merely a misconception shaped by limited human consciousness and societal beliefs. By examining the role of personal struggles and mental conditioning in feeling detached from divinity, this discussion illuminates how individual experiences can obscure our awareness of an all-pervasive divine presence. Through anecdotes and theological insights, the talk encourages a deeper engagement with spirituality, emphasizing the importance of inner stillness, meditation, and the development of direct, experiential knowledge of God beyond mere belief. This video was recorded in the USA in 1984. Satsang: US 84-36 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

A Profound Journey of Self-inquiry and Enlightenment
A Profound Journey of Self-inquiry and Enlightenment

Embark on a profound journey of self-inquiry with this enlightening discourse that challenges the essence of existence and identity. Through a series of reflective questions and analogies, this talk delves into the nature of awareness, the mind, the body, and the ego, illuminating the path from fragmentation to wholeness. It addresses the riddles of life, blending humor with deep philosophical insights to explore the concept of self beyond the physical and mental constructs. This session encourages a holistic embrace of existence, urging the listener to live fully in the moment, appreciate the continuum of life, and transcend the limitations imposed by the ego. Discover the seamless connection between the individual self and the universal consciousness, leading to a harmonious union where personal and cosmic existence merge. This conversation is an invitation to dissolve the barriers between the self and the infinite, fostering a life of joy, sincerity, and unconditional presence. This video was recorded in the USA in 1983. Satsang: US 83-39 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #selfrealization _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

Passion and Compassion
Passion and Compassion

Dive into the profound spiritual teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses passion and compassion in their deepest sense. Explore the differences between physical and divine passion, and how the latter leads to inner peace and true compassion. This session offers a journey into understanding how deep love and kindness form the core of compassion, influencing not just personal well-being but also extending to others, creating a supportive and secure environment. A must-watch for anyone seeking to cultivate a deeper sense of love and empathy in their lives. This video was recorded in 1987 in the USA. Satsang: US 87-14 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Is life problematic?
Is life problematic?

Step into a world of spiritual enlightenment with Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses the illusion of duality between human and divine life. This insightful talk explores the concept of free will, the interconnectedness of all existence, and the illusion of control in our lives. Guruji shares profound wisdom on living in harmony with the universe, the essence of self-realization, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. A transformative session for those seeking deeper understanding and unity with the divine. This video was recorded in 1983 in the USA. Satsang: US 83-38 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Grief [Part 1]
Grief [Part 1]

Discover profound spiritual insights with Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses the nature of grief and loss. This enlightening talk explores what grief truly stems from, whether it is rooted in love or a sense of possession, and the deeper implications of losing a loved one. The guru delves into the philosophy behind grief, the process of healing over time, and the spiritual perspective on death and the afterlife. A thought-provoking session that offers comfort and understanding in the face of loss and the inevitability of change. This video was recorded in the USA in 1981. Satsang: US 81-34 Part 1 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Grief [Part 2]
Grief [Part 2]

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi in this profound session where he delves into the spiritual understanding of grief, loss, and the journey of the soul. This insightful talk discusses the nature of grief, the concept of possession versus true love, and the spiritual process of evaluating one's life after death. Explore the deeper meaning of life's transitions, the soul's journey through various experiences, and the notion of grief as a projection of the mind. A must-watch for anyone seeking spiritual comfort and understanding in times of loss. This video was recorded in the USA in 1981. Satsang: US 81-34 Part 2 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Grief [Part 3]
Grief [Part 3]

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi for a profound exploration of peace and grief in the afterlife, and the fallacies of praying for the dead. This session offers a deep understanding of the soul's journey after death, emphasizing the peace and opportunity for self-evaluation in the afterlife, free from earthly conflicts. Gururaj provides a logical and spiritual perspective on why prayers for the deceased are unnecessary, and instead, encourages focusing on helping and praying for the living. A transformative talk shedding light on the process of grieving and the spiritual laws governing life and death. This video was recorded in the USA in 1981. Satsang: US 81-34 Part 3 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

How to find "Existence"
How to find "Existence"

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi in this enlightening talk as he delves into the profound topic of existence and its multiple layers. He challenges the conventional understanding of existence, exploring the difference between partial and true existence. Through his discourse, discover the significance of finding the center within oneself, the limitations of thought forms, and the deeper implications of saying 'I exist.' A thought-provoking session for those interested in philosophy, spirituality, and the deeper questions of being. This video was recorded in the USA in 1984. Satsang: US 84-33 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations: