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Sidste opdatering 17-06-2024
Fuldføringstid 4 dage 3 timer 13 minutter
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Discover the True Essence of Love and Marriage
Discover the True Essence of Love and Marriage

In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the true essence of love and marriage, exploring the difference between a bond and bondage. Discover the transformative power of genuine connections as we discuss how true bonds in a relationship should enhance freedom and personal growth, rather than create dependency and confinement. This discussion highlights the importance of evolving from attraction to deep mutual respect and understanding. Join us as we unpack the philosophical and spiritual aspects of relationships, aiming to inspire viewers to cultivate relationships that are not only loving but also liberating and fulfilling. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-1 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #love #marriage #bond #bondage _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

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Discover the True Essence of Love and Marriage
Discover the True Essence of Love and Marriage

In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the true essence of love and marriage, exploring the difference between a bond and bondage. Discover the transformative power of genuine connections as we discuss how true bonds in a relationship should enhance freedom and personal growth, rather than create dependency and confinement. This discussion highlights the importance of evolving from attraction to deep mutual respect and understanding. Join us as we unpack the philosophical and spiritual aspects of relationships, aiming to inspire viewers to cultivate relationships that are not only loving but also liberating and fulfilling. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-1 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #love #marriage #bond #bondage _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

What is the Meaning of the Essence of Life? | CAN 88-5 | Podcast
What is the Meaning of the Essence of Life? | CAN 88-5 | Podcast

Dive into a profound reflection on consciousness, presence, and conscious action with Guru Raj Ananda Yogi. This session explores how being aware in every moment can transform our lives, enabling us to fully experience every action, from the simplest gesture to the most complex decision-making. A spiritual guide for those seeking to align their thoughts, actions, and very essence. An invitation to live a life marked by mindfulness and unity with the divine. This video was recorded in Canada in 1988. Satsang: CAN 88-5 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Giving and Possessions | CAN83-19 | Podcast
Giving and Possessions | CAN83-19 | Podcast

Dive into Gururaj's profound discourse on the essence of giving, possessions, and the illusion of ownership. He delves into the spiritual and material aspects of possession, emphasizing the richness of giving over accumulating. Through stories and personal insights, Gururaj explores how true wealth is found within and shared through love, not material goods. This session is a call to reevaluate our relationship with possessions and discover the joy and freedom in giving, offering a pathway to spiritual growth and deeper fulfillment. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-19 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

The Omnipresence of Being | CAN 83-15 | Podcast
The Omnipresence of Being | CAN 83-15 | Podcast

Dive into Gururaj's enlightening discourse on the omnipresence of being and the illusion of separation. He elucidates on the integration of body, mind, and spirit, challenging the fragmentation that hinders holistic living. Discover the transformative power of recognizing the self as the soul and spirit, and the path from fragmentation to integration through meditation. A must-watch for those seeking a deeper understanding of oneness, the nature of the mind, and the pursuit of true happiness rooted in internal joy rather than external illusions. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-15 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

The Difference Between Soul and Spirit | CAN 83-23 | Podcast
The Difference Between Soul and Spirit | CAN 83-23 | Podcast

Immerse yourself in Gururaj's profound insights on the essence of life, the dynamics of the soul and spirit, and the journey beyond death. This enlightening talk navigates through the misconceptions of existence, offering a deeper understanding of the soul's purpose, the process of self-evaluation in the afterlife, and the choice of rebirth. Gururaj demystifies the concepts of pleasure and pain, attachment, and the eternal cycle of life, encouraging a life of non-attachment and spiritual freedom. A must-watch for those seeking clarity on life's deepest questions and the path to true liberation. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-23 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Peace, Calm and Happiness | CAN83-16 | Podcast
Peace, Calm and Happiness | CAN83-16 | Podcast

Immerse yourself in a dynamic exploration of the mind and the profound journey of meditation with Gururaj Ananda Yogi. This session unveils the essence of true relaxation, the path to integrating the fragmented self, and the transformative impact of meditation on daily life. Gururaj Ananda Yogi shares invaluable insights into overcoming life's stresses and achieving a state of peace and clarity. A compelling guide for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of the mind and embrace the serenity within. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-16 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Love and Compassion |  CAN 83-20 | Podcast
Love and Compassion | CAN 83-20 | Podcast

Join Gururaj as he delves into the essence of love and compassion, challenging conventional perceptions of love and emphasizing the importance of true, unconditional affection. This session explores the contradictions in expressions of love, the illusion of dualism in relationships, and the transformative power of recognizing love as a union beyond physical and mental connections. Gururaj's teachings illuminate the path to experiencing love in its purest form, urging us to move beyond need-based attachments towards a life of genuine love and compassion. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-20 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Conditioning of the Mind | CAN 83-17 | Podcast
Conditioning of the Mind | CAN 83-17 | Podcast

Embark on a transformative exploration with Gururaj as he discusses the nature of conditioning, the power of meditation, and the illusion of separation. Delving into the interconnectedness of all existence, Gururaj offers profound insights into overcoming life's patternings through self-awareness and spiritual practices. A must-watch for those seeking to understand the essence of true existence, unconditioned freedom, and the path to enlightenment. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-17 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Interview | CAN 83-18 | Podcast
Interview | CAN 83-18 | Podcast

Dive into a captivating interview with Gururaj Ananda Yogi, presented by the Canadian Meditation Society. Discover the essence of relaxation, integration versus fragmentation, and the holistic benefits of meditation. Gururaj shares insights into living a harmonious life, enhancing personal and professional relationships, and the transformative power of love. This enlightening talk is a must-watch for anyone seeking peace, stability, and a deeper connection with the inner self through meditation and spiritual practices. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Satsang: CAN 83-18 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Recognizing the Beauty in Everything | CAN 88-7 | Podcast
Recognizing the Beauty in Everything | CAN 88-7 | Podcast

Dive into the intricate relationship between beauty, creativity, and meditation with Gururaj Ananda Yogi. This unique session weaves together discussions on the perception of beauty, the essence of creativity, and the transformative power of meditation. Gururaj challenges conventional views, urging us to see beauty in everything and to understand the creative force that meditation unlocks within us. A must-watch for those looking to deepen their appreciation of life's aesthetics and to cultivate a meditative mindset that embraces love and creativity. This video was recorded in Canada in 1988. Satsang: CAN 88-7 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Living totally in the present
Living totally in the present

Explore the art of living in the present with this insightful talk that delves into the essence of mindfulness and the power of now. Gururaj Ananda Yogi guides us through understanding the nature of our thoughts, the illusion of time, and the importance of centering our minds. Discover how to embrace the present moment, shed anxieties of the past and future, and find a deeper sense of peace and clarity in your daily life. Join us for a transformative journey into the heart of mindfulness and personal growth. This video was recorded in Canada in 1985. Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Gururaj Ananda Television Interview
Gururaj Ananda Television Interview

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi, a renowned spiritual master, in this enlightening talk on meditation and spiritual integration. Discover the path from fragmentation to wholeness, and how meditation can lead to a more harmonious, loving, and peaceful life. Learn about the power of meditation in overcoming stress and tension, and achieving inner balance. Dive into profound insights into improving relationships, work environments, and personal growth through the art of meditation and spiritual practices. This video was recorded in Canada in 1983. Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations: