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Sidste opdatering 17-06-2024
Fuldføringstid 4 dage 3 timer 13 minutter
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Is life problematic?
Is life problematic?

Step into a world of spiritual enlightenment with Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses the illusion of duality between human and divine life. This insightful talk explores the concept of free will, the interconnectedness of all existence, and the illusion of control in our lives. Guruji shares profound wisdom on living in harmony with the universe, the essence of self-realization, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. A transformative session for those seeking deeper understanding and unity with the divine. This video was recorded in 1983 in the USA. Satsang: US 83-38 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

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The sleeping driver and now the Guru awakens him
The sleeping driver and now the Guru awakens him

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi for an engaging discussion on awakening and awareness in daily life. This talk delves into the intricacies of consciousness, the nature of the ego, and the dynamics of human relationships. The guru shares insights on being present in every moment, understanding the interconnectedness of all things, and the art of living life as a joyful play. He emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in everyday interactions and the transformative power of self-awareness in achieving spiritual and personal growth. This video was recorded in Canada in 1984. Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Canada 85-1
Why does it take so long to reach enlightenment?
Why does it take so long to reach enlightenment?

Join Gururaj Ananda Yogi in this captivating session, where he takes us on a journey of understanding the ego and the path to self-transcendence. He delves into the dynamics of the human mind, exploring the concepts of individuality, consciousness, and the illusion of the ego. Learn how meditation and spiritual practices can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe, and how to transcend limiting beliefs to embrace a life of joy, freedom, and unity with the divine. This video was recorded in Canada in 1984. Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

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The Nature of Time | GER 78-3-2 | Podcast
The Nature of Time | GER 78-3-2 | Podcast

Gururaj delves into the profound nature of time, space, and their relationship with the mind. He challenges our conventional understanding, suggesting that time and space are not just interconnected but also subject to the mind's perception, expanding and contracting based on our mental state. This discussion illuminates the concept of relative and absolute existence, revealing the timeless nature of true reality beyond the physical constraints of time and space. Gururaj's insights offer a deeper comprehension of the universe's fabric, encouraging a reevaluation of our interaction with the world. This video was recorded in Germany in 1978. Satsang: GER 78-03-2 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

The Importance of Practice over Theory | GER 78-4-1| Podcast
The Importance of Practice over Theory | GER 78-4-1| Podcast

Gururaj discusses the practical application of philosophical theories, emphasizing the importance of practice over theory. He illustrates this with a story highlighting the value of practical knowledge, such as swimming, over theoretical knowledge in critical situations. Gururaj also touches on the persistence of human characteristics like love and hatred through history, questioning the notion of human evolution in character despite technological advances. He argues against the promise of a universal age of enlightenment, advocating for individual spiritual evolution instead. This video was recorded in Germany in 1978. Satsang: GER 78-04-1 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

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The Divinity Within | DK 85-7-1 | Podcast
The Divinity Within | DK 85-7-1 | Podcast

In this session, Gururaj opens with a moment of meditation, inviting both new and seasoned practitioners to focus gently on their breathing. He emphasizes the divinity within everyone, stating that with thought, word, and deed, he salutes the divinity within his listeners. Gururaj encourages open inquiry, preferring spontaneous dialogue to prepared lectures, which allows him to address the specific spiritual questions of his audience. This approach underlines the fallacy of perceived imperfection, pointing out that if divinity is omnipresent and perfect, so are we. Through meditation and spiritual practices, individuals can dive deep within to discover and express their inherent divinity, thereby recognizing the divine in everything around them. This video was recorded in Denmark in 1985. Satsang: DK 85-7-1 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Are Westerners More Imbalanced than Easterners? | DK78-5 | Podcast
Are Westerners More Imbalanced than Easterners? | DK78-5 | Podcast

Gururaj addresses the challenge of teaching meditation to Westerners, emphasizing the universal condition of imbalance among humans, which he equates with madness. He highlights the importance of integrating the physical, subtle, and spiritual aspects of oneself to achieve balance and sanity. Gururaj disputes the notion that Westerners are more imbalanced than Easterners, underlining that human beings, regardless of geographical location, share the same imbalances, making meditation a necessary practice for all. He advocates for a unified worldview, dismissing the divisions between East and West as man-made, not divinely ordained, and stresses meditation as a tool for overcoming life's imbalances and achieving inner peace and joy. This video was recorded in Denmark in 1978. Satsang: DK 78-5 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

The Illusion of Individuality | DK 85-16 | Podcast
The Illusion of Individuality | DK 85-16 | Podcast

Exploring the essence of being and non-being, Gururaj engages in a profound dialogue about existence, consciousness, and the nature of reality. He challenges perceptions of separation, emphasizing the unity of existence and the illusion of individuality. Through anecdotes, humor, and deep spiritual insight, Gururaj invites listeners to reconsider their understanding of life and the interconnectedness of all things. This session is a journey into the heart of spiritual wisdom, revealing the layers of meaning that underlie our experience of the world. This video was recorded in Denmark in 1985. Satsang: DK 85-16 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations:

South Africa
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Spiritual Realization and Universal Happiness | SA 76-14 | Podcast
Spiritual Realization and Universal Happiness | SA 76-14 | Podcast

Gururaj delves into the essence of spiritual realization, addressing the universal quest for happiness amidst life's inherent dissatisfaction. He explores the transformation from routine existence to seeking self-realization, emphasizing the necessity of self-change rather than environmental change. This session illuminates the journey toward total integration of mind, body, and spirit, equating self-realization with God-realization, and presents the compelling force within every individual driving this pursuit. Through understanding and embracing unity amid diversity, one can find the path to true fulfillment and enlightenment. This video was recorded in South Africa in 1976. Satsang: SA 76-14 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations:

The 8 Limbs of Yoga Explained | SA 76-9  | Podcast
The 8 Limbs of Yoga Explained | SA 76-9 | Podcast

In this session, Gururaj discusses the essence of meditation and the eight limbs of yoga as described by Patanjali, emphasizing the progression from physical practices to deeper spiritual insights. He explores the interconnectedness of Yama, Niyama, Asana, and advanced stages like Pratyahara and Dhyana, shedding light on their roles in achieving a balanced state of being. Gururaj's teachings offer a comprehensive understanding of meditation, integrating various paths like Gnan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Karma Yoga, and highlighting the transformative journey towards self-realization and the unity of the manifest and the unmanifest. This video was recorded in South Africa in 1976. Satsang: SA 76-9 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations:

The Essence of Living | SA 76-3 | Podcast
The Essence of Living | SA 76-3 | Podcast

In this session, Gururaj dives into the vastness of spiritual inquiry, tackling questions about the essence of living, the sound of one's voice as a reflection of their spiritual evolution, and the importance of inquiry in spiritual growth. He explores the concept of wisdom versus knowledge, emphasizing that true wisdom unfolds from within and is not merely acquired. Gururaj's discussions also touch on the significance of names, the power of sound, and the interconnectedness of all existence, illustrating how everything in the universe, from the tangible to the intangible, is imbued with divinity. This profound dialogue invites listeners to expand their understanding of spirituality, perception, and the essence of being. This video was recorded in South Africa in 1976. Satsang: SA 76-3 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations:

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Meditation to Help us Along our Spiritual Path | IRL 84-4 | Podcast
Meditation to Help us Along our Spiritual Path | IRL 84-4 | Podcast

Explore Gururaj's discourse on the transformative effects of teaching meditation, the misconceptions around meditation, and its deep spiritual implications. He discusses the challenges of perseverance in meditation, the gradual dissolution of troubles through practice, and the universal applicability of meditation beyond religious boundaries. Gururaj emphasizes meditation as a scientific and systematic approach to spirituality, advocating for its integration into daily life for true understanding and self-growth. This session is a profound guide for anyone looking to deepen their meditation practice and explore its comprehensive benefits. This video was recorded in Ireland in 1984. Satsang: IRL 84-4 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

Ireland 84-4
Ireland 84-7
United Kingdom
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Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Consciousness Beyond Thoughts and Senses [Part 1]
Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Consciousness Beyond Thoughts and Senses [Part 1]

Join us for a profound exploration of the philosophical and mystical depths of spiritual experiences, especially focusing on the concept of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, a state of consciousness that transcends thought and sensory experience. In this discussion, the speaker elucidates the nature of experiences as they are confined to the mind and how true spiritual realization lies beyond such mental constructs. Delve into the intricacies of how experiences, both gross and subtle, are processed through different levels of consciousness and how ultimate realization transcends these experiences, leading to a state of non-experience where one merges with the divine essence itself. This video was recorded in the UK in 1983. Satsang: UK 83-7-1 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #nirvikalpasamadhi #consciousness _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

Spiritual Chanting with Gururaj Ananda Yogi
Spiritual Chanting with Gururaj Ananda Yogi

Dive into the profound practice of chanting, a spiritual exercise that transcends mere repetition to become a bridge connecting the finite with the infinite. This detailed exploration reveals the scientific and spiritual dimensions of chanting, focusing on its ability to harmonize and elevate our inner vibrations. Through the rhythmic recitation of mantras, participants can achieve a state where the higher self observes the conscious mind, fostering a deep separation between the absolute and the relative. This session sheds light on the physiological, psychological, and spiritual benefits of chanting, highlighting its role in detoxifying the body, quieting the mind, and uplifting the spirit. Discover the universal essence of chanting across various religions and learn the importance of harmony and collective practice in amplifying the spiritual experience. Join us in this enlightening journey to unlock the transformative power of chanting and its potential to guide us toward a more centered, peaceful, and connected state of being. This video was recorded in the UK in 1982. Satsang: UK 82-6B _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our e-book: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

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Is life problematic?
Is life problematic?

Step into a world of spiritual enlightenment with Gururaj Ananda Yogi as he discusses the illusion of duality between human and divine life. This insightful talk explores the concept of free will, the interconnectedness of all existence, and the illusion of control in our lives. Guruji shares profound wisdom on living in harmony with the universe, the essence of self-realization, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. A transformative session for those seeking deeper understanding and unity with the divine. This video was recorded in 1983 in the USA. Satsang: US 83-38 Visit our website: Buy our e-book: Donations:

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The Master Reflects [Part 1]
The Master Reflects [Part 1]

Dive deep into the profound world of meditation and spiritual growth with this insightful video. Explore the concept of samskaras (impressions) and learn how they shape our experiences and behaviors across lifetimes. Discover practical advice on how to alleviate these impressions through meditation, allowing for a clearer and more focused mind. Understand the transformative process of replacing negative patterns with positive influences, leading to a serene and balanced life. This session provides essential teachings for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and achieve greater inner peace. This video was recorded in Spain in 1986. _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU:

Spain 85-03-2
The Life of Jesus Christ
The Life of Jesus Christ

Delve into the controversial and enlightening narrative about the life of Christ as told from an unconventional perspective. This session challenges traditional views, presenting a detailed account of Christ's life, including his family background, personal relationships, and the political and social dynamics of his time. Learn about Christ's early influences, his revolutionary teachings, and the profound impact he had on his contemporaries. The talk also explores the mystical aspects of Christ's existence, his experiences on the cross, and the years of his life that remain unaccounted for by traditional scriptures. Through this narrative, gain insights into the integration of spiritual teachings across cultures and how Christ's message of love and non-attachment resonates with universal truths found in other wisdom traditions. This video was recorded in Spain in 1984. Satsang: ES 84-05-06 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuscristo #christ _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Donations UK: Donations EU: