Join us for a profound exploration of the dynamics of emotions, particularly focusing on anger and hatred, and how one can transcend these negative states. This video delves into understanding the deep roots of anger and the transformative power of responding with love and spiritual strength. Learn practical advice on managing personal and external conflicts, enhancing emotional resilience, and fostering peace both within oneself and in interactions with others. Discover how true strength comes from inner peace and how we can help others not by changing them, but by being a presence of calm and understanding. This video was recorded in the UK in 1982. Satsang: UK 82-05 _________________________ All videos and audio tapes on this channel have meticulously been restored and remastered from the original source material using the latest AI technology. #IFSU #GururajAnandaYogi #meditation #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #satsang #innerpeace #selfdiscovery #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #anger #love _________________________ Visit our website: Buy our ebooks: Buy our audiobooks: YouTube: Patreon: Donations UK: Donations EU:

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